BugHuntDay or fixing bugs for fun

BugHuntDay.org is a joined effort between the Dutch PHP user group phpGG and the Belgian PHP community PHPBelgium to show that fixing bugs can be fun and is also a much appreciated way to contribute back to the global PHP community.

Fixing bugs is mostly considered the least favorite part of open-source projects, which often delays a good project growing into a great one. And this is a pity, because fixing bugs can really be fun and is very educative.

Since this BugHuntDay is not really just one day, but a series of days that both phpGG and PHPBelgium devote on fixing bugs of a PHP library or framework. A typical BugHuntDay is started with a small presentation by a code contributor to that framework or library, followed by a group effort fixing bugs while being assisted by experts. This way attendees learn a bit of the framework or library, the process of fixing bugs and the process of quality assurance (QA).

The first BugHuntDay is planned for November 8 in Roosendaal (the Netherlands) and that day will be devoted on fixing bugs on Zend Framework.

Check out BugHuntDay.org for more information or to RSVP for this event. Seats are limited, so first come-first served. Attending is FREE, so why not try it ?


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