Benelux PHP TestFest this Saturday
What's the purpose of TestFest ?
The TestFest is an event that aims at improving the
code coverage of the
test suite for the PHP language
itself. As part of this event, local User Groups (UG) are invited to
join the TestFest. These UGs can meet physically or come together
virtually. The point however is that people network to learn together.
Aside from being an opportunity for all of you to make friends with
like minded people in your (virtual) community, it also will hopefully
reduce the work load for the mentors.
When is it ?
Saturday, May 10 between 12.30pm and 16.30pm.
Where is it ?
Hotel the Goderiƫ in Roosendaal, the Netherlands.
Who's the special guest ?
Sebastian Bergmann, the man behind PHPUnit and the PHP reference concerning Unit Testing for PHP.
Wanna join ?
Go visit the TestFest pages on php GG (Dutch) and join us.
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